Geode Chacuterie Boards
Judy Huck Art & Design offers free standard shipping on in-stock items within Canada. Most custom orders will ship free as well. At this time international shipping is not offered on my website. Message me to determine possibility and cost. All orders are shipped to you from Alberta.
Disclaimer: Screen resolutions differ, therefore the piece may look different in person. Resin can scratch much like glass. Do not use chemicals on your piece(s). Direct sunlight and extreme heat can yellow or warp your piece(s). No food is meant to have direct contact or be cut on resin. Itโs decorative only. If glass chunks or crystals are on it, please be careful as points may be sharp. All pieces are custom made by hand and are bound to have imperfections. Art is beautiful and may not be perfect.
The crystal healing information provided here is for guidance only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or service. Feel free to do some research about crystal healing before making a purchase. There are plenty of resources available on the internet regarding healing crystals.